From Russia with Love – Riff Action Family bend
Ruski bend Riff Action Family objavio je svoj četvrti album “Chameleon” 8. decembra, od strane 7torock music.
“Trudili smo se da svaki singl sa ovog albuma pustimo svakog meseca u 2020, ali zbog datih neočekivanih okolnosti (lenjost, alkohol, Covid-19, ostale bolesti i 420) nismo bili u mogućnosti. Tako da je svih 11 pesmama objavljeno 8. decembra.“
“Bilo je mnogih razočarenja i poteškoća u 2020. Izgubljeni poslovi, otkazane svirke, otkazane turneje, zatvaranje prostora za svirke, komešanja u izborima u Čehoslovačkoj, ludi policajci u Belorusiji, amandmani Konstitucije Ruske Federacije, fabulozni bonusi za osnivače naftnih kompanija, Ronald Regan je izgubio izbore itd. Itd.“
“Verujemo da se ovo sve desilo zbog reptila i mračnih sila. Jedino što možemo da uradimo je objavimo ovaj album, koji će ostati u arhivama za buduće generacije koje će se oporavljati od 3. Svetskog rata.”
Dear Folks!
We will drop our 4th album Chameleon on December 8th via 7torock music!
We tried to release each single from this album every month 2020. Due to unforeseen circumstances (laziness, alcoholism, coronavirus, other diseases and 420) interfered with the process all the time!
So 11 songs will appear on every streaming service on DECEMBER 8, 2020!
There are a lot of disappointments and hardships around the planet in 2020: job loss, gig & tour cancellations, venues shutdown, interference in Czechoslovakian elections, wild cops in Belarus, amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, fabulous bonuses for founders of oil and gas companies against the background of a general drop in income, the lost elections of Ronald Regan, intolerance, intolerance of smack etc.
We believe, that all this shit has happened because of the REPTYLOYDS🦎🐊 and DARK FORCES!
All we can do now is to drop the new album this December.
CHAMELEON LP will remain in world CHRONICLE for the future generations, who will be recovering the new world after the Great War with NIBIRU
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